Like the rest of the state, you were probably stuck in your home due to road conditions and the frigid temperatures. You may have been entertaining young children or having to work remotely, but if you were like most people, the real danger was outside your home, not inside.
Can you imagine if being inside your home was not safe? What would it feel like if your home was not a place of comfort, but violence? That is sadly the reality for far too many people in our communities who are trapped not by poor road conditions, but poor home conditions. Don’t you agree that everyone deserves to feel safe in their homes? That is part of our mission at WRAP, creating safe, stable, nurturing relationships, families and communities, one relationship at a time.
We cannot underscore the value of the relationships we work to build every day with people like you - those who recognize the impact they can make when they support survivors, children and families by supporting the work we do every day. Like many businesses last week, WRAP could not completely shut its doors; our advocates continued to provide support to those who reached out for help on our 24/7 crisis line, and we continued to care for the families who are staying in our two confidential safe homes. Unfortunately, violence does not stop when weather conditions force our communities to shut down, and for that reason, WRAP operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
You can support WRAP in a number of ways: follow and share our content on social media, get informed about domestic and sexual violence and how you can support those who you suspect or who disclose to you that they have been victimized, share information about WRAP’s services in your companies and communities, use your knowledge and passion to connect others to WRAP, and consider making a financial contribution to WRAP.
Please join us as we start a new year by helping to bring hope and change lives. You can make a donation by clicking the button below, and you can learn more about the work we do by visiting our website.