Relative Caregiver Program
What is the Relative Caregiver Program (RCP)?
RCP provides support to Relative Caregivers to help them continue to care for and provide the child(ren) with a safe, stable, nurturing home, thus eliminating the possibility of the child(ren) entering the foster care system.
A relative caregiver is someone related to a child by blood, marriage, or adoption and who has primary care and control of the child through legal and/or informal arrangements.
What support does RCP offer?
Resource Linkage
Case Management
Family Advocacy
Support Groups
Education and Enrichment Workshops
Emergency Financial Assistance
Monthly Stipend (Certain conditions apply)
Why RCP?
Children who cannot be raised by their parents have better outcomes when they are able to remain in the care of their family.
This is especially true of siblings who are able to stay together or have regular contact with each other. It is also true that many relatives who would be willing to provide a safe and nurturing home for these children need support systems to partner with them.
The Relative Caregiver Program seeks to be a support system to these families. All services are offered in collaboration with the family, as we believe that the family is the expert of their lives. Case managers strive to work with the whole family unit to ensure the best decisions are being made on behalf of the children. Families are also treated with respect and dignity.
We are sensitive to the limitations and strengths of our families and provide our services from a strengths-based perspective that allows our participants to maintain both their privacy and confidentiality.

RCP Out in the Community
RCP's caring and dedicated caseworkers attend resource events and host special opportunities for families in the program to socialize and have fun!
Our Locations
The Relative Caregiver Program is available in the following counties in West Tennessee:
Benton, Carroll, Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Dyer, Fayette, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Lake, Lauderdale, Madison, McNairy, Obion, Tipton, & Weakley
Visit our Locations page for RCP contacts in each of the 20 counties we serve.